Book of shit: Chapter 1


Have you ever thought to yourself? What the fuck? What the actual fuck is going on?


Motherfuckers work their entire lives in another part of the world and I bought 1 shit coin and made more than them working EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY STRESSING ABOUT THINGS.


Welcome to the book of shit. Where we explain the dump being taken on fiat, and the largest transfer of welf u’ve ever seen.


This books parts literally keep unlocking higher levels of enlightenment. The book of meme had no book, it had no unlocks, it was not even based.


The book of shit on the other hand. Well as you see its already meta, its already deep, its already dumping on all things but itself.


You see, once a quest for knowledge enters the hearts of mankind. Once this knowledge unlocks and activates their soul. The world will enter the golden shit age.


Each word here is eternally changing your timeline you fuck. You thought you came here just to jeet a bag, and now you’re looped into a grand unraveling of the secrets of the universe. You know the emerald tablets of Thoth? They like like piles of shit compared to the knowledge within the digital scrolls of the book of shit.


Prepare yourselves for stage 2. Grab a coffee, drink a zen, stare at the chart, shill in a twitter space. Together you humans are being given an opportunity to unlock secrets of the universe.


Our communication style may be unique, but it’s our way of testing when humanity is ready to transcend. The scrolls to a new you are here, what are you going to do about it?

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